Last Sunday night I was looking through ads on Craig's List and felt drawn to look at animals up for adoption. God knows I love animals of all kinds, but am not ready to invite another little dog into my home as I am still currently residing in an apartment and the dream home I plan to acquire is not til a wee bit later this year! =)
But I came across an ad for a beautiful baby Ringneck Dove hatched about 5 weeks ago and the breeder wanted a small "rehoming fee" I had always wanted to share my life with a dove as they are such sweet, gentle, and well, stereotypically speaking...peaceful little beings! Then my "rational" mind said "sleep on it" so I did and thought the little baby bird would surely still be available tomorrow if he/she was meant to share my home with me.
On Monday morning which happened to be Memorial Day, at about 11:30AM I logged back onto the internet and again studied the ad for the precious dove. I decided to send a text message to the breeder as they stated to do so in their ad. About 15 minutes later, I received a return text message stating the bird was still available! My heart danced in my chest! I then proceeded to text back to the breeder that I wanted the bird and would it be alright to come over and pick him up about 3PM that day? (of course, this was fine with them!) I then realized I had about 2 1/2 hours to find a nice sturdy cage home, "Dove" food, and accessories for this little being! I looked on Craig's List again and saw an ad (without a photo) for a birdcage for $30 complete with toys, perches and a stand. It was even LOCAL to my home which was a plus with gas at $4 a gallon! I texted the folks with the cage and also another person with a cage for sale in the area. Little did I know, that I had actually confused my text messages with both of the 2 cage sellers and had actually driven out to see what I thought was the seller with the cage with a stand~and it was the wrong seller! I looked at my watch and saw that it was now 1:30PM! I now had about an hour and a half tops to acquire a cage home, dove food, and then drive over to pick up my new feathered friend! I just continued to trust that all was well and that it would work out... I texted the seller with the cage with the stand and apologized for the mix-up as it was now 1:30PM and I had previously arranged to meet this person at 1PM. (Of course, it was fine to still come and see the cage!).
So I headed over to see the lovely birdhome with a stand and all and of course it was just perfect! I thanked the lady and made my purchase. At 2PM I still had to get some dove food before picking up my feathered baby. I went to my local pet supply store in hopes of finding food specific to doves (as doves do not hull their seeds but rather swallow them whole~which makes for a tidier bird than the average sloppy parakeet! )Yes, they had "Dove food!" The pet supply store had a small cage (on SALE even!) that I also bought to safely transport my little bird home in. It was getting closer and closer to 3PM as I then drove in the direction of the town with my little dove. I had time to stop in the local Meijer store and pick up some sweet potatoes (I learned doves enjoy cooled mashed sweet potatoes as a treat and of course I wanted to spoil my little darling!)then I was on my way... I turned in to the neighborhood and quickly realized I was lost in the subdivision! Just as I was texting the breeder, she called me and I looked up to the left and knew it was her! I was actually "lost" in front of her house! I parked my car, greeted Carrie and asked her how she got into doves. She said "My Mom has always been into birds." That's interesting, I thought to myself... so did MY Mom!...I then "met the parents"... the parents of my little dove! They were doting and beautiful! I had also come to learn that both dove parents share equally in child-rearing including feeding and perching atop the unborn eggs and they mate for life! "More to love about doves!"
I slowly approached the cage and allowed the baby to step onto my finger. I was amazed at how very innately tame and gentle these birds truly are! I held him to my chest and spoke softly to him "you're going to come home with me." I chatted a bit with Carrie and placed my little guy into his traveling cage and drove home. Yes, it was all "meant to be" and orchestrated so perfectly! I also realized in an "a-ha" moment that it was in fact, "Memorial Day"... that my Mom who had transitioned in 1993 always loved birds and AGAIN this was yet another gift from her!