A couple of days ago I was in a photographic frenzy taking pictures of just about everything I own in order to advertise stuff on Craigslist for sale. I uploaded the images from my digital camera and onto my lovely little MacBook Pro laptop computer. As I was viewing the images, I came across the photo of my gorgeous marble top pub height dining set. Something caught my eye as I glanced at the chair on the left side of the picture and saw a little round translucent ball "sitting" perfectly in position at the table! A huge smile spread across my face and a loving warmth permeated my being! I knew perfectly well what it was. It was a spirit orb. Not only that, it was my Mom's way of saying she was around and supporting me during this time of major travail and transition in my life.
Now, a lot of people may turn up their noses and say this is all BS, or the orb is just a ball of dust, and believe me, I concur that many of these types of images are in fact nothing more than dust. However, I have done extensive research on these wonderful little orbs and there are a few very good websites that describe in great detail with photographic examples of how to tell the difference between a "dust" orb and a spirit orb. Dust orbs are most frequently denser and brighter or even very dull looking while spirit orbs often show motion, and are translucent and opalescent in hue.
It is also important to use your intuition with orb photos as in this case, if you knew my Mom when she was living in the physical world, she had quite a wonderful sense of humor and she continues to have one in the spirit world! She has this endearing "cute" and playfully child-like mischievous sense of humor and for her to reveal her spirit like this by perching her little "spirit orb butt" in the form of a little ball of light (perfectly positioned on the seat of a chair no less!) in my home, well this just warmed my heart! For again, I received a very clear sign that my Mom is still here for me and our love is eternal!
On an additional note, you can see a violet purple color surrounding the perimeter of the orb.
I also discovered that when I enlarged the photo above of my Mom in spirit orb fashion, I noticed there is actually a visible "smiley face" inside the orb! You can see there is a very clear upturned line for a smile, 2 eyes, and a cartoonish round button nose! My Mom always used to draw cute little smiley-faces at the end of correspondence cards, notes, and letters she would write to loved ones!
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